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UNILAB is a 100% Italian-owned independent software house, and for over
35 years has been providing its clients with high quality Heat Transfer Software.

UNILAB’s solutions are the result of technical and scientific experience,
plus extensive IT knowledge, always at the forefront of innovation!

We are the only Software House with an In-House Thermal Engineering dept., allowing us to speak the
same language as your technical department.

Our solutions are used by over 500 Customers in more than 70 Countries!



Selection Software for your Sales Dept.

Eurovent and AHRI Certification Support

In-House Thermodynamic Engineering Dept.

Training on demand

Our Story

  • 1979

    Ing. Fucile developed the pilot calculation software for finned packed heat exchangers

  • 1987

    01Unilab was established
    Enhanced COILS 2.0, Unilab’s calculation software for coils heat exchangers (the first pilot was developed by Ing. Fucile in 1979).
    Unilab served HVAC companies, by providing combined solutions (hardware and software)
    Focus on domestic market
    Core staff: 3 people

  • 1990s

    Design and rating of the single component (suitable for coil, shell&tube, plate and brazed, coaxial, tube in tube and electrical heat exchangers)

    Launched COILS 4.0 (suitable for MS-DOS)

    Estimation of the whole unit (specific for air handling units). AHU officially created                                                                                                                 

    02bDelta Technics get Eurovent Certification by using COILS software

    Increased focus on International market

  • 2000s

    04Focus on the development of calculation software only (no longer hardware)
    Sales personnel visited the most important overseas trade exhibitions
    Major enhancement: COILS 5.0, the pilot project developed for Windows O.S.
    Friterm get Eurovent Certification by using COILS 5.5
    Core staff: 6 people

  • 2005s

    Step forward: launched COILS 6.0, available in three editions (Light, Standard, Professional)
    Developed Shark Suite (simulation software and electronical catalogue for Sales Teams)
    Developed the first selection software for fan-coil units (Fancoil Selector) and ventilated units (Units Selector)

  • 2008

    05Unilab exhibited at MCE & CHILLVENTA international trade fairs
    Major enhancement: revamp software for Electric heat exchangers
    Core staff: 8 people
    Began collaboration with Indian Sales Representative Ajay Mehndiratta
    Step forward: launched COILS 6.3 Enterprise edition (with integrated Refprop 8)
    Held conference “COILS 6.3 ENTERPRISE at NH Hotel Mantegna, Padua (Italy), an event focusing on the changes and new features in version 6.3

  • 2010

    Attended CHILLVENTA trade fairs
    Major enhancement: revamp of software for Shell&Tube heat exchangers
    Unilab business premises extended to over 300m2, including new Conference Room

  • 2011

    Exhibited at Acrex India
    Sales personnel visited Climatizacion

  • 2012

    06Attended ISK SODEX Turkey, CHILLVENTA Germany

  • 2013


    Held meeting at Unilab Headquarters to illustrate new features available in SHARK 2.5

    CAD 3D studies implemented in the selection software for air handling units

    Developed customized software for pillow plate heat exchangers (BMC, PILLOW, PCOIL), indirect electrical heaters (REIND)

    Major enhancement: created Unisuite Platform (Shell, Phe, Coax, Tube in Tube)

    Developed specific software for dehumidifier heat pumps, microchannel condensers, minichannel, plate&fin, cold storage, 3D view of the coil (CAD module), selection software for ducts

    Launched hour packages for engineering/new implementation service available on demand

    Developed Psychro App (Mollier Diagram), Cold Storage App

    Core staff: 10 people

  • 2014

    2014Held HVAC Japan, Climate World Russia, CHINA Refrigeration, CHILLVENTA
    Sales personnel visited MCE

  • 2015

    2015Attended ACHEMA – Frankfurt

    Sales personnel visited Climatizacion

    Developed EASY, the independent application for automatic circuits in coil heat exchangers

    Major enhancement: revamp of Unit Selector with pre-composed modules in .NET                                                                                                         

    2015bHeld conference “COILS 8.0 and new refrigerants” at NH Hotel Mantegna, Padua (Italy). The event was focused on the changes in version 8.0 and included a preview. Held interesting workshops where clients and potential clients could interact with the Unilab Technical Staff

    Offered engineering services on demand, for the calculation of special heat exchangers

    Attended “GRETh” Conference in Aix Les Bains (France)

  • 2016

    Major enhancement: launched COILS 8.0 with the inclusion of new refrigerants

    Began collaboration with Taiwanese Sales Representative Alex Lou

    Core staff: 13 people

    Attended Chillventa, ISK-Sodex and MCE Mostra Convegno Expocomfort.

  • 2017

    Major enhancement: new software for Evaporative Condensers and Gas Coolers

    Attended IFEMA Madrid, HSI Frankfurt, China Refrigeration, Drinktec Munich

    Unit Selector’s major release: UNIT SELECTOR HYBRID                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

    Began collaboration with Chinese Sales Representative Hunk Huang

    Our Staff also speaks Japanese and Russian!

  • 2018

    Chillventa_2 giornoUnilab participates in the 2018 editions of Climate World, MCE Mostra Convegno, China Refrigeration, Achema and Chillventa!

    Shark: ECO DESIGN and calculation model for centrifugal and inverter compressors introduced!

    X-Shark is WEB ready, and Unilab is actively involved in the development of web software projects!

    Complete overhaul of  Unilab Easy! New fundamental features!

    Tower Suite: new Evaporative Cooling module developed

    Unilab Rooftop

    Unilab acquires its first Japanese customer, MDI Corp.

    Major advancements in our Pillow Plate Software suite

  • 2019

    Unilab exhibits in the 2019 editions of Climate World Moscow and China Refrigeration Shanghai!

    Unilab participates as a visitor to Refrigera and CibusTec.

    unilab blog software scambio termico refrigera piacenza

    Unisuite gets a brand new DLL, updated with the latest available refrigerants

    Shell: introduction of Falling Film (Spray) Evaporators’ calculation mode.

    Complete overhaul of the Smart-Air structure, functionalities and offer.

    Coils gets translated in Thai & Korean.

    The Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften in München, now uses COILS in partnership with Unilab.

    unilab blog software scambio termico muas hochschule muenchen coils

    Unilab participates as sponsor to the 37th edition of the “UIT – Heat Transfer Conference” in Padova.

    unilab blog software scambio termico uit

  • 2020

    CHINA REFRIGERATION 2020 (set to be hosted in Wuhan) is postponed due to a Global Pandemic Outbreak.

    Despite the Pandemic, the Unilab team is able to work from the office, thanks to its new conference room, ensuring social distancing without the need of remote working

    Introduction of the Gas Cooler module in Unit Selector Hybrid

    unilab blog software scambio termico gas cooler unit selector hybrid co2

    Unilab announces partnership with DELTA ES., its South Korean representative

    UNILAB is able to participate through its Chinese Agent Mark Huang to China Refrigeration 2020, now held in Chongqing.

    unilab heat transfer software blog china refrigeration 2020

    MDI Corporation becomes Unilab’s sales representative in Japan

    unilab heat transfer software welcome mdi corporation

    The KIMM – Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials uses Unilab Software

    unilab heat transfer software blog KIMM

    All major trade fairs are postponed due to Covid Outbreak

    Unilab is present in 68 Countries in the World, reaching Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan!

  • 2021

    Unilab BREEZE, the web based selection software for Controlled Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery, is launched!

    Unilab gathers his COILS related application in a unique suite. COILS SUITE includes COILS, EASY, mCOILS.

    China Refrigeration 2021 returns in Shanghai! Unilab is present with its Chinese Representative Mark Huang

    unilab heat transfer software blog china refrigeration 2021 Shanghai

    Unilab launches a crowdfunding for the new module dedicated to MICROCHANNEL EVAPORATORS!

    Unilab appoints Semih Kocahasan as US & Canada sales representative

    UNILAB participates at ACHEMA PULSE 2021, the Online edition of ACHEMA

    unilab heat transfer software blog achema 2021 pulse

    Unilab launches mCOILS WEB, it’s online browser based submittal Software for Finned Pack Heat Exchangers!

    Mcoils 1

    Unilab launches X-SHARK standard, a basic – quick to-market selection software for Chillers, Heat Pumps, Close Control units, and all refrigerant cycle units.

    Unilab participates in C&R Madrid 2021

    unilab heat transfer software blog climatizacion refrigeracion ifema madrid

  • 2022


    Unilab publishes the new version of PILLOW SUITE, with a series of articles and a publication in the magazine Heat Exchanger World.

    Unilab launches HYBRID WEB, the web version of its Unit Selector Hybrid software for Air Coolers, Unit Coolers, Dry Coolers and Remote Condensers.

    Unilab participates again to MCE 2022, the first edition after the Covid Outbreak.

    unilab heat transfer software blog mce 2022

    UNILAB launches the PHE WEB online PHE and BPHE selection software

    UNILAB participates at ACHEMA 2022 with new software for the Chemical market!

    unilab heat transfer software blog achema 2022

    Unilab launches the new COILS SUITE module LT-HT and Free Cooling

    PILLOW SUITE is updated to allow calculation of flue gas condensation outside the pillow plate bundle. The software considers latent heat (calculation of condensed water flow rate), a feature unique to our software.

    Unilab launches the new AIR to WATER HEAT PUMP simulation software

    unilab heat transfer software blog heat pumps software simulation

    Unilab participates to CHILLVENTA 2022, the first edition after the pandemic, a huge success for Unilab!

    UNILAB announces partnership with Chemours: the latest Opteon™ refrigerants are introduced into the Unilab fluid libraries


  • 2023

    April 13, 2023 – UNILAB EVENT: Unilab Heat Pump Software Presentation @ NH Hotel Padova:

    On the occasion of the launch of the new Unilab software for calculating and simulating Heat Pumps, and in collaboration with Studio Gandini, an exclusive event was held, reserved for a selected audience of key stakeholders in the entire heat pump supply chain, with focus on the market and presentation of our solution HEAT PUMPS for air to water and DHW Heat Pumps

    Finned Pack Heat Exchangers (COILS SUITE)


    In this Major Update in early 2023 we have introduced the calculation of length and pressure drop of capillary tubes in direct expansion coils


    Unilab Coils now allows to search and display by default, depending on user preference, the names of refrigerants and fluids according to: ASHRAE Name, Abbreviated Name, CAS Number, Full Name, Chemical Formula, Synonym, Opteon Trade Name.

    Improved calculation engine in heating coil
    Improved calculation engine in cooling mode
    Improved exchanger shape
    Improved Japanese translations
    Improved charts & graphs
    Improved COILS SUITE interface
    Added extra length for manifols
    Improved printout in cooling, direct expansion and pump evaporator
    Implemented coil shape simulation
    Implemented fin edge shape simulation
    Implemented turbulator management and simulation
    Implemented fin treatment simulation
    Implemented management and simulation of capillaries for direct expansion coils
    Added option about fin border
    Added option for turbolators
    DLL completely rewritten in the most recent NET Core 6
    Speed of calculation improvements in single calculation and recuperators
    Flexible activation system with the “control of activation tool”, with possibility of distributing DLL to your customers with expiration date deployment option,
    and the ability to remove license immediately and provide only a subset of selected geometries – requires a customer-supplied server


    to allow our customers Web Application Development thanks to our Coils engine

    Ability to upload a set of selected geometries from your own COILS database directly to the WEB software backend, and to distribute a specific subset of geometries to your customers

    EASY (circuitry and metal sheet drawings)

    Interfacing with SolidWorks for production (coming 2024)
    Commercial Selection of Chillers, Heat Pumps, Precision Air Conditioning, Condensing, Motoevaporating, Rooftop, refrigeration cycles (X-SHARK)
    X-SHARK WEB STD,fully Online selector for Chillers, Heat Pumps, Precision Air Conditioning, Condensing, Motoevaporating, Rooftop, refrigeration cycles
    APIsavailable for xShark WEB STD
    Creation of a standard, quick to market Fan-Coil basic selector
    Improvement on Fan-Coil Web
    New Air to Water HEAT PUMPS Software
    Developed HEAT PUMPS, the software dedicated entirely to the design of air-water heat pumps
    New Air-to-Water Heat Pump Scheme: We have introduced a new air-water unit scheme, available to all users. The program now simulates air-water heat pump with ventilation part for 1. cool, 2.heat, 3.ventilation, 4.sanitary hot water and 5.RH(%) control
    Redesign of the Heat Pump software Component Archive: We have completely redesigned our Compressors, Heat Exchangers and Fans archive, making it more user-friendly and  straightforward to use. Reversible Heat Pumps: Now you can simulate reversible heat pumps Free Mode in Heat Pumps: With the introduction of the free calculation mode, it is possible to bypass capacity ranges (small, mid, big, extra) and design the unit without limits, with complete control over selected components. This feature allows advanced users more freedom in simulations
    Design of Chillers, Heat Pumps, Precision Air Conditioning, Condensing, Motoevaporating, Rooftop, refrigeration cycles (SHARK)
     Added new compressor Frascold 3 v1.21.0 Q421.1Y
     Added new compressor Frascold 3 v1.21.0 S1552Y
     Inserted R448A and R513A Frascold3 v1.21.0 compressors models
     Inserted R448A and R513A Dorin 22.12 compressors models
     Inserted R448A and R513A Bitzer v6.18.0 rev2811 compressors models
     SCOP improvements
     Idronic Kit
     Improved Danfoss compressor mass polynomials
     Added R507 refrigerant
     Added possibility to delete a fan builder
     Heating coil calculation improvements
     Inserted warning message for filters out of curve calculation
    Improved pump archive management
    Improved warning messages
    Improved calculation with mapped exchangers
    Improved fans management
    Improved multicalibration tool
    Improved fans calculation
    Improved plate heat exchangers management
    Improvement graphics generation
    Improvement translations
    Microchannel Condensers & Evaporators
    General improvements to Imperial units of measurement
    Fin thickness control
    SMART-air (Air Handling Units)
    ERI DLL Update
    Autonomous Recuperator insertion and management (without the use of a DLL)
    Autonomous Fan Curve insertion and management (without the use of a DLL)
    Heatex DLL Update
    Tecnifan DLL Update
    Recuperator DLL Update
    Unisuite (Shell & Tube, Multitubular Heat Exchangers, Gasketed e Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers, Coaxial Heat Exchangers)
    Introduction of beverages and liquid foods list in Unisuite. We have introduced more than 200 liquid foods and beverages, available from the next build of our UniSuite: fluids will then be featured in Tube in Tube, Coax, Shell and PHE software
    SHELL: Improved Steam Outside tubes mode
    Introduction of low fin tubes and corrugated tubes in Multitubular heat exchangers  (TUBE IN TUBE)
    Introduction of low fin tubes and corrugated tubes in Shell & Tube exchangers (SHELL) with geometric data insertion (e.t.a. January 2024)
    CO2/R134A and CO2/NH3 evapo-condenser flooded application in SHELL and TUBE (e.t.a. April 2024)
  • 2024


    Unisuite Corrugated Tubes
    Corrugated tube models into our Unilab Unisuite sizing software, which focuses on the verification and sizing of shell-and-tube heat exchangers and tube-in-tube heat exchangers.

    China Refrigeration
    From the 8th until 10th, 2024 – Beijing
    Unilab is present with its Chinese Representative Mark Huang


    Microchannel – Air to Water
    New Microchannel Air-Water software, designed specifically for Microchannel air-to-water coils for cooling or heating applications with water, glycol mixtures, or other fluids as a heat transfer media.

    Two row evaporators, a feature very requested especially in the automotive field, as well as enhancements across our other microchannel products.


    From 10th until 14th – Germany
    Shell Web – Online software for Shell & Tubes Heat Exchangers
    Plate & Shell Software – New Unisuite module
    Unilab is present with all Italian Team: Stefano Fucile, Jacopo Fasolato, Valeria Guidi, Atousa Ataieyan e Marco Dal Corso.


    Unilab Presents Company Video

    From 8th until 10th Nuremberg – Germany 
    New DHW Heat Pumps module – DIRECT and INDIRECT DHW types, addressing the growing demand for high-efficiency domestic hot water solutions in the HVAC&R landscape.


Unilab was established

in the eighties, in January 1987 to be precise. However, our passion for heat transfer has much earlier origins; the year 1979 when Ing. Fucile first developed pilot calculation software for finned packed heat exchangers.

Since 1987, Unilab has been

putting customers’ needs at the centre of our mission. Since our earliest days, we have experienced constant growth in terms of Product Catalogue and Expertise. Initially, we focused mainly on the domestic market.

We have continued to

offer advanced software solutions for the design and rating of the single component (originally coil, shell, plate, coaxial, tube in tube and electrical heat exchangers) and the estimation of the whole unit (i.e. air handling units).

  • From the mid-nineties to the early 2000s, Unilab rose through the ranks, by consolidating our international customer portfolio, visiting the most important trade exhibitions, and developing customized software solutions.

We have gradually

developed a customized electronic catalogue for the selection of the whole unit (e.g. liquid chillers, industrial heat pumps, air conditioners, fan-coil units, and ventilated units).

  • In 2008, Unilab exhibited at two major International Trade Fairs for the first time: MCE and CHILLVENTA.

Little by little,

we have increased our international presence, which has led to interesting and successful business ventures in locations such as Russia, India, Turkey, Germany, China, Japan, and Spain, through our participation in events such as Chillventa Rossjia, Acrex India, ISK Sodex, ISH Frankfurth, China Refrigeration, HVAC Japan, MCE and Climatizacion.

We have met many key players in the sector, either when they visited our booth at trade fairs, or while visiting such events ourselves, enabling us to get to know them and discover new business opportunities.

We have extended our boundaries by enhancing our top-selling software (Electric Suite, Smart Air, Coils) to embrace the latest technologies, in order to create new cutting-edge software solutions.

This innovation was the key to the development of new software (i.e. for microchannel condensers, indirect electrical heaters, dehumidifier heat pipes, and for batch processing equipment, such as pillow plate heat exchangers).

  • In 2015, Unilab thought outside the box, by attending ACHEMA – an International Trade Fair which focuses on the Chemical Engineering and Processing Industries. It proved to be a successful strategy, helping us forge links with many potential clients.

In Unilab,

In Unilab, you will find a well-qualified business partner who understands your requirements and objectives. We share your goals and speak the universal “heat transfer” language.

Thanks to our solid experience, we can offer you advanced software solutions for the design and rating of the single component (any typology of heat exchangers) or the simulation of the whole unit (i.e. liquid chillers, ventilated units, or air handling units).

Our reliable and accurate

Our reliable and accurate software makes the designer’s work much easier. Our technical and scientific experience are especially valued by our customers. We analyse and decipher their needs, and shape our findings to create tangible software solutions. We are the ideal partner when it comes to the development of customized software solutions and engineering design services.

Despite being a relatively small company (a team of 13), Unilab is capable of overcoming new challenges in order to help our clients become leaders in the new ‘niche’ markets.

We have become the trusted partner of many leading domestic and overseas companies among our 500 clients in more than 70 nations. Work with us and become part of the Unilab success story.

How to reach us:

UNILAB S.R.L. Registered office: Via Nino Bixio, 6 – 35131, Padova ITALY
V.A.T. number: IT01334900287 Net Assets Euro 4.277.207,00 Registered R.E.A. number: 204909 

Tel: +39 (0)49 8763311 – Email:

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