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Unilab SHARK

Simulate Air Cooled or Water Cooled Chillers & Heat Pumps, Precision Air Conditioning (Close Control/CRAC), Rooftop Units & DOAS, Air Conditioners, Condensing Units, Condenserless units, Multifunctional Units and any special project involving a refrigerant cycle! 

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Shark Which type of Units does it allow to Design?

Air Cooled Chillers

Air Cooled Chillers

Air Cooled Industrial Heat Pumps

Air Cooled Industrial Heat Pumps

Data Center Cooling

Data Center Cooling

Water Cooled Chillers

Water Cooled Chillers

Any special Project involving a refrigerant cycle

Any special Project involving a refrigerant cycle

Rooftop Units & DOAS

Rooftop Units & DOAS

Process Chillers

Process Chillers

Water Cooled Industrial Heat Pumps

Water Cooled Industrial Heat Pumps

Air Conditioners

Air Conditioners



Unilab SHARK is the most accurate simulation module on the market, thanks to Unilab’s
thirtyfive years of experience in the sector. SHARK simply anticipates the needs of the technical office and the sales network! The design of a Chiller, or a Heat Pump, or an air conditioner, can no longer be done by simply selecting components and calculating at a single point. The technical dept. has to work according to Energy Efficiency indexes. You need an integrated software, which calculates the performance of the units according to the reference regulations, because success in sales comes from the energy efficiency levels and the regulatory fitting according to the markets where your company has to sell. The software allows to simulate:

  • Air Cooled or Water Cooled Chillers
  • Air Cooled or Water Cooled Heat Pumps, (For air-water heat pumps, Unilab has developed the specific product HEAT PUMPS, which you can find here)
  • Precision Air Conditioning (Close Control/CRAC),
  • Air Conditioners,
  • Condensing Units,
  • Condenserless units,
  • Multifunctional Units
  • any special project involving a refrigerant cycle! 


A wide array of refrigerants is available, R454B and R32 are available for simulation, along with R454C, R1234ze, R1234yf, R600A, Propane and many more
(full list on the right).

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The archive for each component is huge, and divided in Standard & Customer. The standard archive is updated regularly by Unilab, with the main models from the bestselling manufacturers of Compressors, Phe, Shell & Tube, Fans. If you need to insert your own components, the customer archive allows you to insert independently all the new components you need! And if you have SQL Server Express, we can configure SHARK to work and connect with it, and the archive will be shared within your office, so if you insert a new component, also your colleagues will be able to see it and use it.

Available Screw & Scroll inverter compressors (compressors with variable speed). The INVERTER compressor is managed with 1 single 24 coefficients equation!

Management of mismatched tandem and trio compressor sets


SHARK has a standard execution for the technical office, tested in 15 countries by over 30 manufacturers, which offers standard complete calculation outputs even for specific needs. Once selected the refrigerant, the designer can draw the layout of the unit by dragging & dropping the required components, such as evaporators, condensers, compressors & fans, in a just a click!

After clicking on the calculate button, the software will quickly identify the balance point of the system and provide detailed information about each component’s performance!

UNILAB SHARK performs the calculation of:

  • the operation point of the complete unit with direct cycle, reverse refrigerant cycle, reverse hydraulic cycle
  • operation point of a portion of the unit: evaporator & compressor, compressor and condenser, fan and condenser, fan and evaporator
  • compressor capacity, total capacity, absorbed power, fans absorbed power, total absorbed power, compressors EER, fans EER and total EER & more!
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The user can set MULTIPLE COMPRESSOR ENVELOPES and multiple ENVELOPES for the WHOLE UNIT. You can also calibrate the project at multiple levels, allowing to fine-tune your component, the whole unit, or add a commercial factor.

SHARK’s state-of-the-art calculation engine does the rest, allowing the user to calculate anywhere, at any conditions (ex. To check if your unit works with Dubai conditions: 40°C/55%) & to warn the user of out of compressor limits situations!


You can even create performance tables in excel format, for a single unit or an entire series!!

Unilab also offers possibility of ERP Integration and ad hoc Excel export sheets on demand (contact

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Eco Design

ECO DESIGN (according to EN 14825:2022)

Shark allows you to calculate energy indexes SEER, SCOP and SEPR, according to the regulation EN 14825:2022, with dedicated regulation compliant excel reports and, for the SCOP index, the possibility to print the energy label.


SHARK also lets you partialize scroll & screw compressors. It is possible to add up to 20 levels of partialization specifying for each level the performance of the inverter compressor, marking the square on/off (for on/off compressors), or using the scrollbar and inputing the percentage (for inverter compressors). You can also set the partialization of the fans if the unit is an air/water chiller, and if you use a Variex, the program will adapt the fans air flow to increase the condensing temperature as well. SHARK lets you also calculate the ESEER and IPLV ratings of the unit!

parzializzazione in Shark
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Additional module: tool for PHE/BPHE and Shell & Tube Evaporators. All regular Shark modules allow component calibration at 1 single point. On demand, the user can access a multipoint calibration tool to calibrate the Shell & Tube and PHE Evaporators in multiple points according to the supplier’s software. The perfect tool for quick simulations during feasibility analysis and in view of a potential offer. It will be possible, for plates or shell & tube evaporators, to set fluids, fluid temperatures and evaporation temperatures to be used for calibration. A table will be automatically created, on which the user can fill in the columns relating to evaporation temperature, capacity and pressure drops.

  • Automatic factor search procedure.
  • Automatically, the columns relating to “DTML”, “Power factor” and “Pressure loss factor” will be filled in.
  • It will be possible to save the calibration set for the current exchanger in an Excel file, which can then be imported.
  • Automatic procedure of punctual control of the calibration.


Additional module: Control regulation according to predetermined patterns and possibility to import the thermal profile of a city for punctual energy simulation.

Standard list of available global machine control logic rules, accessible by the user via drop-down menu.

Introduction of custom rules possible on demand ( Possibility to import the thermal profile of a reference city. It will be possible, through the interface, to load an Excel file of n.1 climatic profile of a city (multiple profiles are available in X-Shark). The user will be able to choose from a list the various rules according to the unit typology, and launch a simulation. Seasonal performance printout available.

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Unilab’s X-SHARK standard solution is capable of cutting to zero the Time to Market of products. From Unilab’s experience in the selection of refrigeration cycle equipment (Air-Water/Water-Water Chillers & Heat Pumps, Precision Close Control AC, Condensing and Condenserless units), we designed the commercial selection software X-SHARK STANDARD. A FAST TO MARKET solution designed specifically for companies that want to get out on the market quickly with their units, or for companies that need a basic starting point, essential but scalable and customisable with a view to continuous improvement. Our developers, together with our engineering team, have defined a typical unit selection tree and created a tool allowing the autonomous loading of all the necessary data, through a user-friendly Excel based structure.

The software can be loaded BY YOU, with your equipment in 2 ways:

1) Directly from the projects you create in Shark, our technical software for simulating refrigerant cycles, or

2) Suppose a customer does not have Shark or cannot simulate certain units with Shark, or does not have all the data and wants to go out on the market with some basic starting data, or present his units at a trade fair with a simple dataset (dimensions, prices & standard conditions at 7°C & 35°C outside air). Or better, the customer has certified the units with Eurovent, and wants a very precise output. It is possible to feed the software with an Excel spreadsheet, with the possibility of linear or multi-tabular data interpolation.

A standardised starting solution, in line with market requirements, with a competitive initial price and complete autonomous management of the data by your technical office, to boost your sales. Program will display your logo, company data, starting page and product images, and further interface customizations are possible on demand. 

DISCOVER how you can customize X-SHARK, here


  • Create Excel tables of performances for catalogues!
  • Customize technical report with all input data, calculated results, and a simple BOM in Word Format!
  • Calculate Adiabatic system with pad !
  • Available Screw & Scroll inverter compressors (compressors with variable speed). The INVERTER compressor is managed with 1 single 24 coefficients equation!
  • Management of mismatched tandem and trio compressor sets!
  • Calculate ECO DESIGN
  • Parallel chillers with or without Free Cooling. Entering the quantity of chillers, and indicating those actually active, at the end the software will display multi unit results. The water flow rate will be divided symmetrically between the two evaporators of the two units, and it will be possible to perform the simulation with one unit on and one off.
  • Desuperheater (finned pack)
  • Calculate pressure drops on both air & refrigerant side!
  • Possibility of ERP Integration and ad hoc excel export sheets on demand (contact


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