How to calculate Tube Bundle H.E. & Plate H.E. with Unilab’s Unisuite
The decision to purchase a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger (Tubular Heat Exchangers) or a Plate Heat Exchanger is usually very complex. Engineers need to be ready to analyse the most unusual requirements, by using the latest design software tools that have to comply to the following main key features.
1: Analyzing the application
2: Identifying the fluid properties
3: The energy balance
4: Defining the geometry of the heat exchangers
5: Thermal calculation
6: Interpretation of the thermal calculation
The above process is the exact same process that a good heat exchanger design engineering team would have to follow to ensure that the deliverd heat exchanger is top notch in terms of permance and cost for the company.
Do want to see how the software Unilab Unisuite, will use the same six steps to let you calculate your exchanger in less then 5 minutes?
If the answer is yes, then please see:
Shell And Tube module allows the calculation of shell and tube heat exchanger according the type of fluid phase inside the shell and the tube, and among other features allows the automated design of a new heat exchanger from zero without specifying any dimensional parameters and the results are compatible with the TEMA 9 requisites.
You can see how you design the Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger:
Tube in Tube module allows the calculation of tube in tube heat exchanger according the type of fluid phase inside the outer or inner tube, and among other features allows the automated design of a new heat exchanger from zero without specifying any dimensional parameters and the results are compatible with the TEMA 9 requisites.
You can see how you design the Tube And Tube Heat Exchanger:
Coax module allows the calculation of coaxial heat exchanger according the type of fluid phase inside the outer or inner tube, and among other features allows the automated design of a new heat exchanger from zero without specifying any dimensional parameters and the results are compatible with the TEMA 9 requisites.
You can see how you design the Coaxial Heat Exchanger:
PHE module allows the calculation of plate heat exchanger according the type of fluid phase inside each sides, and among other features you can eastimate in details the geometry performance, mixed angle designed and plate type.
You can see how you design plate heat echanger:
All designs from Unilab Unisuite are application specific, ensuring efficient and cost effective design in regards to heat transfer and the fin and geometric data relative to the heat exchanger and you can fine tune the same in regards to your laboratory data.
Hence, the above mentioned modules and videos will give you an idea of How To use Unilab Unisuite to design your tubular and plate heat exchangers.
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